Tag Archive: Drawing

Drawing is fun

Hello again everyone.I have been gone for a very long time but now I am back. I have been drawing and learning the guitar so my free time would be more creative. Drawing is like a passion to me and the problem is that I have been stuck. I didn’t knew that drawing would become so difficult and so complicated. The shadows, the light the scale of something your are drawing. Everything became so messed up at a point for me. I searched the internet and I started to see many tutorials and stuff and everything was very basic, nothing good. Even thought you can find some tutorials that are very useful for beginning but not too useful after you want to advance more. I asked my friends if they knew any website or something where i could get some lessons and none knew any website. I started to search on internet and to be honest i paid so many websites and so many things that i regret doing so. I stared to complain to my friends that couldn’t find any good drawing lessons. One day one of my friends told me about some sort of home course about drawings. I felt very exited and soon as went home i opened the website. it was called Realistic pencil portrait. I was scammed some times from this kind of websites but i wanted to learn to draw more perfect. I paid for the lessons and it took me more than it would say to you. It says to you that you will be a master but you will not going to be a master but you will learn drawing in a way that you never thought before because it will give you a very step by step intro and a step by step lesson for drawing your favorite portraits. Imagine how time and money it took me to search for some good lessons and somehow i found it. Remember its not that you are going to be a master but after learning from these lessons you can go further and further on drawing and start painting as i did and now I am here and all this because of the pencil drawings that i learned. Step by Step your can do everything and now is never late.

Gypsy posing

Gypsy posing

Here is what I am doing now and this is one of my paintings of a sad gypsy posing for me. I had this painting done for 2 weeks because I am not a professional and I need more time. As always thank you for reading and have a good day.

Being creative

Hello again ,

It has been a while since I updated my blog but drawing need some time and effort. Today I want to show you my latest drawings that I made. I have tried to follow my imagination and see its results. The last drawing took me about 4. The first one is just being creative and trying to create new funny characters. I started the second drawing as exercise for drawing faces and I let my imagination free so I end up with the drawing you see. Drawing is hard but with some practice and time you will love it and you’ll need more and more every time. Your Imagination start to grow as you get better.

I saw a photo of my friend with some RayBan glasses and I tried to draw the same exact picture but drawing the same thing and the same things as you see in a picture for me is boring and so I tried to make something more imaginative and here is the result.

I like this one. I like to call it ” The Creation of the face” because it gives me the expression that eyes, nose and mouth are being connected together to create the whole face, at least this what I was trying to express.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

Hello again bloggers

Today I want to show to you some of my other drawings. I am very impressed by surrealism as a kind of art movement ( on which I wrote an essay). They used Automatism as a technique and is very interesting way of drawing. Automatism has taken on many forms: the automatic writing and drawing initially practiced by surrealist. Automatism can be compared to similar such as the non-idiomatic improvisation of free jazz. Playing with your creativity and drawing whatever comes to your mind is a perfect way to improve your imagination and your skills on drawing. I have practiced automatism but I have only one drawing left from all my collection and I will show to you the drawing (the third photo) with some of my other drawings that I have.

Thank you for reading my post and have a good time. If you want to use this drawings or anything else from my blog please let me know. Thanks

Drawing on free time

Hello Internet

This my second Post on my blog and I want to share with you some of my drawings. I am not a pro, I draw on my free time as my passion. I learned to draw online but it was hard to find good tutorials for free.

Do you like Doodle?

I love doodle.I started drawing, in general, 6 months ago. I tried to learn to draw from you tube videos online tutorials and many inspirational videos.

Trying to learn, I started to explore more and more kind of arts.I found some styles that I never heard before, like DADA, ORPHISM, Magic-Realism, Neue Sachlichkeit ( New Objectivity ), Color Field and many more.

I started to watch videos on doodle and moleskin art and I loved it.I started drawing doodle art just a couple a months ago and in the beginning it was very hard for me to draw different pictures almost not related to each-other. Drawing different picture and fragments of your imagination.I have drawn only 3 doodle for now but more will come and other kind of drawings will follow.

Thank you for reading and have a good time.